Delks 2022

How often do you go to Disney?: 1st time married no kids

Trip Deets (Month, Length of Trip, Group Demographics): Nov 5-11, Husband and wife 9yrs

The Best Part of Your Trip?: Emersive experiences

What Would You Do Different?: Nothing really, Maybe started with Magic Kingdom

What is the Best Tip you got from Well Hello Disney?: Genie + advise we really used it to our advantage because we knew more of what to expect.

Give us Your Best Disney Tip!: Buy the individual LL, Rope drop close to where your 1st LL is. Use the map!

What was your most useful Platform on Well Hello Disney?: Instagram

Leave Well Hello Disney a review!: Such good tips and tricks for those who haven't been in years and so much has changed.

COMPLETELY OPTIONAL! We would love to hear how you saved money, your budget, and any programs you used to help reduce the cost of your trip:: We planned meals and snacks on gift cards (left cash tips). Planned out Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and 2 snacks on every park. The remainder went towards extra souvenirs we ended up with close to $400 over because we would not hit max to spend at the restaurants and skipped a snack at each park. We had a reservation for dinner every evening a couple of breakfast reservations and one brunch at Epcot. We loved it because it gave us a chance to get off our feet and interact with characters without the lines.

Jessica Mickelson

Hi I am Jessica of Well Hello Magic! I am so glad you are here. I am a Disney kid turned Disney Parent, and I am currently raising my four mouseketeers with my very own Flynn Rider. In 2009, we got married and celebrated our wedding day at Disneyland! We are a proud Military family, Disney Vacation Club members, D23 Gold Members, and we always find unique ways to keep the magic alive at home. My primary goal is to help you minimize stress while at the Disney parks so that you and your family can enjoy a vacation that you will never forget. I am a cookie baker, and own a sign business as well. Thank you for being here!

Caravella Family Trip 2023


December Trip 2022