The Moore Family

How often do you go to Disney?: I had been twice as a kid and we had been once with my family before but this was our first time as parents and first time heading up the planning.

Trip Deets (Month, Length of Trip, Group Demographics): We decided on 5 nights/ 4 days for us, our 4yo, 1 yo and 2 grandparents. We did 3 park days and 1 rest day. I was stressing over what order to do our park days since they released the Christmas party scheduled and 3/4 days were party days. I sent Jessica a message on IG after following her for just a few days and she responded right away and was a huge help!! We decided on HS, MK, Rest day and Epcot.

The Best Part of Your Trip?: Seeing the magic in our 4 yo eyes! She was so mesmerized by the princesses and thought she was royalty all week long with the way the cast members treated her. Meeting Elsa and Anna and dinner at Akershus were definite highlights.

And thanks to Jessica’s advice we were able to prioritize our list of things to do, do one section of a park at a time and with Genie+ we were able to hit everything in MK that we wanted to do plus soooooo much more on a single park day. It was a party day so I think the crowds were less that morning just like Jessica said they would be!

What Would You Do Different?: I wouldn’t spend the money on park hoppers. With not being able to hop until 2 and the age of our kids it wasn’t worth it. And I kept thinking all week “we aren’t using the park hopper I wasted my money” My husband and I hopped to Epcot one night for dinner without the kids but that was only because we had went back to ride Rise and it was shut down. So I would skip the park hopper option because that would take the added expectations off as well as save money.

What is the Best Tip you got from Well Hello Disney?: There’s way too many to list them all!! Prioritizing your list of must dos and writing out a plan definitely made a huge difference. When you get in the park and see how big it is you can look back at your plan and know you don’t have to make so many decisions because you’ve already done that part beforehand.

One of my daughter’s favorite things was riding a pony at fort wilderness! I would have never known about that without Jessica’s reel! It was more than affordable, she got to see multiple horses and ride a pony. Then later that night we all got excited when we saw “Phil” a horse we watched get a bath, pulling a carriage around our resort.

Another tip was finding the blue guest experiences tents when you have questions. No question was too small for them. I had genie+ issues the first day and they were so understanding and helpful. I had to make a second trip back for the same issue and they went above and beyond and signed us up for LL for multiple shows to make up for my inconvenience. If I hadn’t known about going to the blue tent on our first day it could have easily set my mood off and ruined our day!

Give us Your Best Disney Tip!: Grocery order to your resort! We saved money and meltdowns by having snacks and drinks packed in the stroller. I really didn’t think we would use everything I ordered but we sure did. Just make sure to have a small tote bag or drawstring back to keep everything in when getting on and off the bus. We would load our bag up, ride the bus and get thru security then unpack the bag into the stroller for the day. Then before heading out of the park unload the stroller back into the bag.

What was your most useful Platform on Well Hello Disney?: IG stories! Jessica was the first and last person I was everyday haha! I was check her stories every morning and every night for months before our trip.

Leave Well Hello Disney a review!: Well Hello Disney is the BEST Disney resource you could ask for! She cuts out all the extra fluff and is straight to the point with the how and the why of Disney planning. you can tell she just has a true love for Disney and wants to help you have the same love for it. Shes not a travel agent so you don’t get the feeling that she’s pushing you to spend more money. She just shares from her heart what works best for her family. And in the IG world I feel sometimes your questions and messages just go unanswered but not with Jessica! She is very responsive and helpful! Our Disney trip wouldn’t have been what it was without Hello Disney!

COMPLETELY OPTIONAL! We would love to hear how you saved money, your budget, and any programs you used to help reduce the cost of your trip:: Discounted Disney gift cards! I used a credit card that earns extra points at office supply stores. When they have sales on visa gift cards I bought them then took the Visa cards and bought discounted Disney cards at Sam’s club. So I earned 5xs credit card points to be used later on other trips and saved a some money on the Disney cards as well. We used the cards to pay for our trip as well as giving our oldest her own card which she thought was great and locked her into only spending what she had on souvenirs.

Plus the grocery order snacks and drinks will save quiet a bit of money and time! We ordered donuts, muffins and things for quick breakfasts, cookies and crackers for snacks, and water, body armour, kool aid pouches and our adult beverages for hanging by the pool instead of paying $8 for a beer at the pool bar.

Jessica Mickelson

Hi I am Jessica of Well Hello Magic! I am so glad you are here. I am a Disney kid turned Disney Parent, and I am currently raising my four mouseketeers with my very own Flynn Rider. In 2009, we got married and celebrated our wedding day at Disneyland! We are a proud Military family, Disney Vacation Club members, D23 Gold Members, and we always find unique ways to keep the magic alive at home. My primary goal is to help you minimize stress while at the Disney parks so that you and your family can enjoy a vacation that you will never forget. I am a cookie baker, and own a sign business as well. Thank you for being here!

December Trip 2022


The Nickels