MKE to WDW 2022 

How often do you go to Disney?: This was our first time as a family of 5; 2nd time going as a parent 

Trip Deets: June 2022 Thursday to Monday at Caribbean Beach
*Pool days on travel days; Friday at HS; Saturday at MK (my daughters birthday); Sunday at EPCOT
2 adults; 3 kids (daughter turned 7 during the trip; 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son) 

The Best Part of Your Trip?: Watching my kids have a blast and see Disney through their eyes.
We used Genie+ for all our rides except Remi; my girls and I stood an hour in line while my husband waited with my sleeping son. We got down with the ride shortly at 9pm and they asked if our whole family wanted to ride again. Of course we did! They let all of us through the lightning lane and we rode it again! It was our last ride of the trip and such a blast! 

What Would You Do Different?: We would add AK next time. We like MK but as a family it’s our least favorite. The crowds are larger and we like the vibes of HS and EPCOT better.
I would also do more Disney gift cards to use for food. Loading those throughout the planning phase would’ve felt less expensive with all of the sit down restaurants we did. 

What is the Best Tip you got from Well Hello Disney?: All of the Genie+ tips along with sitting down eating tips. It was hot so we booked a sit down restaurant mid-day each day. This was a bit more expensive but it was needed when the heat index was over 100 each day. 

Give us Your Best Disney Tip!: Bring in your own snacks, water bottles, and ponchos. This allows you to maximize your time at each of the parks. And a stroller is key, even if you think your kids are too old for it. It holds all that you need and you can scoot through the parks faster. 

What was your most useful Platform on Well Hello Disney?: The Genie+ guide and the Realistic Disney Days. This helped me conceptualize what we could do each day. 

Leave Well Hello Disney a review!: This has been such a helpful resource! I’m excited to go back and use even more tips to make our trip go even smoother. 

COMPLETELY OPTIONAL! We would love to hear how you saved money, your budget, and any programs you used to help reduce the cost of your trip:: We used points for our flights. We used The Magic Travel Guy to help book our hotel. 

Jessica Mickelson

Hi I am Jessica of Well Hello Magic! I am so glad you are here. I am a Disney kid turned Disney Parent, and I am currently raising my four mouseketeers with my very own Flynn Rider. In 2009, we got married and celebrated our wedding day at Disneyland! We are a proud Military family, Disney Vacation Club members, D23 Gold Members, and we always find unique ways to keep the magic alive at home. My primary goal is to help you minimize stress while at the Disney parks so that you and your family can enjoy a vacation that you will never forget. I am a cookie baker, and own a sign business as well. Thank you for being here!

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