The Long Family’s 2023 Disney Trip

How often do you go to Disney?: Every 2 years typically, second trip for my kiddos

Trip Deets: March 19-25, 7 days at Disney, Mom (turned 28 while there!), Dad(30) and two girls(ages 3 and 5).

The Best Part of Your Trip?: Too many to narrow it down to one! Taking my 3 yo on SDMT, seeing my kids faces light up seeing a character, seeing the shock on my kids faces when we surprised them that we were actually at Disney, not the beach.

What Would You Do Different?: Plan out quick service meals like I did table service, or pack a lunch to eat while in the park.

What is the Best Tip you got from Well Hello Disney?: All the info about Genie+! I had no clue how to use it and watching the webinar really helped me feel like I had a better grip on it.

Give us Your Best Disney Tip!: Manage your expectations, ESPECIALLY if you are taking kids. Go in with low expectations and do the things that are a priority to your family first. Anything else is just a bonus! Go with the flow as much as possible, while still having a general idea of how you want the day to go.

What was your most useful Platform on Well Hello Disney?: Instagram and Email

Leave Well Hello Disney a review!: Jessica was so amazing! We emailed back and forth for weeks prior to my trip and she answered any and all questions I had. She helped me so much with understanding Genie+, and just has so much good info on her pages!

COMPLETELY OPTIONAL! We would love to hear how you saved money, your budget, and any programs you used to help reduce the cost of your trip: We only go every 2ish years, and we do our best to save a little bit at a time during those years. I’ll buy a Disney gift card here or there at Target for 5% off. I also purchased ears and bubble wands from the ShopDisney site during a big sale. That helps save money inside the parks! We set a loose budget for purchases while there on souvenirs and had Disney gift cards to purchase that with. We also use a Disney Visa card randomly to earn cash back to put toward the next trip.

Jessica Mickelson

Hi I am Jessica of Well Hello Magic! I am so glad you are here. I am a Disney kid turned Disney Parent, and I am currently raising my four mouseketeers with my very own Flynn Rider. In 2009, we got married and celebrated our wedding day at Disneyland! We are a proud Military family, Disney Vacation Club members, D23 Gold Members, and we always find unique ways to keep the magic alive at home. My primary goal is to help you minimize stress while at the Disney parks so that you and your family can enjoy a vacation that you will never forget. I am a cookie baker, and own a sign business as well. Thank you for being here!

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